Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) of Uva Wellassa University (UWU) was formed in 2013 with the objective of improving and maintaining higher standards of overall institutional functions and activities. It was formally established in 2015 through the University Grants Commission (UGC) Circular No. 2015/04 on “Strengthening of internal quality assurance systems in universities and higher educational institutions through establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Units”. IQAU of UWU strives to uphold the highest standards in the delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate education by facilitating the curriculum development and revision, student feedback analysis and follow up, peer observation in teaching, and external quality assurance through institutional and programme reviews. Faculty Quality Assurance Cells (FQACs) implement quality assurance activities related to study programmes while Quality Assurance Cells of the Library, Administration and Finance Divisions ensure the maintenance of higher standards in their services. IQAU liaises with the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the UGC in national level quality assurance policy development and implementation.